Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Why should I wear a jade bangle bracelet? What does my jade bangle mean?

Jade bangle bracelets are beautiful.   And they "go" with almost anything you wear.  Although jade bangle bracelets have been around for centuries, they are still cherished, slightly exotic.

If you are Chinese or Asian, you might want to wear a jade bangle bracelet for the tradition. Perhaps someone in your family passed their jade bangle bracelet down to you.  There's a Chinese belief that jade becomes the person who wears it.  Jade has strong, lively qi energy. When you wear jade, you not only receive the qi energy from the jade,  your qi energy also is shared with your jade.  That's why good quality jade will look more pretty and "glow" the more you wear it.

However, if you are a "modern" Chinese woman, you may NOT want to wear a jade bangle bracelet, because "that's what Grandma wore", and you are not like a grandmother!   When I went to China to purchase jade, I would always arrange to contract with a young woman to accompany me, not only for language and translation, but for the companionship and to learn more about real Chinese life.  And I liked to purchase jade directly from the jade carvers in southern China, near the Burma border, so I could get really good quality jade, not the questionable jade bangles I would buy in the Guangzhou jade market.  One of the young women became a special friend.  She thought she know all about jade, just because she was Chinese.  When she started shopping with me, she realized I knew more than most Chinese people about jade, so she always asked to shop with me when I went to China.  One time we went to Sishui jade city and found a younger male jade carver who had a great deal of different kind of jade.  They called it "modern jade" because it sure didn't look like the usual kind of jade bangles.  The colors were darker and they didn't have that soft, yin Qing Dynasty kind of color, the old kind of fei cui green.

My personal jadeite bangle bracelet "modern" style
She loved them, and and we bought quite a few.  Some to sell on the web site, and some she wanted to keep and give to friends.  She never thought that she would want to wear a jade bangle bracelet, but now she was motivated.

Another reason people wear jade bangle bracelet is for the qi energy.   Some people like to wear "jade as medicine" and use the colors as they relate to the qi meridians for balancing body, mind and spirit according to the Dao and Chinese medicine.  Jade bangle bracelets stimulate the acupuncture points on the wrist, to keep the qi flowing smoothly.  My first trip to China was to learn Chinese medicine, and that's when I got my never-ending interest in jade, so future blog posts will be about the colors of jade and qi energy.

Wearing a jade bangle bracelet these days does not mean you are affiliated with Chinese culture.  Jade bangle bracelets have become of world wide interest to women, and men, and even children.  I've been blogging about jade for 13 years, and it amazes me how I can always think of something to write about jade.  Jade is endlessly interesting, whether it's Chinese jade, or Burmese jadeite.  What's the difference? Future blogs coming up!

Classic round fei cui green Burmese jadeite bangle bracelet

Natural color Chinese "river jade" bangle bracelet

These two jade bangle bracelets available at JadeBangleBracelets.comhttp://jadebanglebracelets.com

1 comment:

  1. These bangles with black like this are called bing wuji--- or Black Chicken Jadeite"
    Any Jadeite bangle with black in it is collectively called "Black Chicken Jadeite."
